Thursday 29 December 2022

66K in action!

 Reading through my lovely vintage 1954 Singer book inspired me to get sewing again! And I also wondered if I could get my 66K to sew - without having to wait to buy a hand crank next year. I gave her another quick clean, & a few drops of oil, studied the manual and threaded up a bobbin by winding the balance wheel. Buoyed by my success, I threaded her up and ta-dah! She sews! 

There is no backstitch, and the only adjustment is by winding the knob to the right of the Singer badge, this adjusts the stitch length. The longest stitch is really quite long, so I am using it as a basting stitch - much quicker & neater than basting by hand. 

I cut this dress out last summer & was not sure of the size  & fit - duh I should have written a note back then for my future self - now- to read! So I have compared it to one of my favourite basic summer dresses ( which is actually sitting in the to- do pile, because I want to put some darts in it to give it a more classic vintage shape).
I have been tacking pieces together, re cutting, measuring, & am now ready to do the actual sewing. Will sew it up on the Janome as I will give myself RSI sewing the whole thing in fine stitches turning the wheel on the singer…
I have decided to name my 66K Clara, having just finished reading this book about a remarkable rhinoceros named Clara. I have been trying to think of a suitable name, & Clara  just felt right.  
Can’t wait for Anne Bonny’s locker to open in Hawthorn next year, & buy a handcrank for her! 


  1. Nice to see that it works well! I guess there isn't a lot to go wrong with them. Glad all it needed was a bit of a clean and some oil.
    Happy new year!

  2. Happy New Year! Glad to hear Clara is working well - hope the wait isnt' too long for the crank handle. You don't want RSI!


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