Sunday, 13 December 2020

Kyneton road trip

Hmmm what is the collective noun for echidnas?

Nursery rhyme mice!
Smoke plant in a pot! had never heard if these amazing plants until a couple of years ago. Now they are everywhere!
medieval/ viking tunics anyone? ( or have I just been watching too many posts from The Welsh Viking lately?  seriously these look more like historical reenactment/ cosplay than regular clothes!)


  1. Looks like it was a good trip!

  2. Good half way point between Coburg and Bendigo to catch up with family for lunch, plus nice to have a wander past some interesting shops!

  3. Um I thought all marsupils had the same collective name just can't remember what it is!

    Looks like fun, bet it was good to see family again and be out. I know I have been enjoying catching up!

    1. A parade of echidnas is the term I was after - and it describes the picture perfectly!


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