Monday, 6 June 2022

it's cold outside

The weather has turned super cold, and as much as I love my warm skirts - particularly the  woollen ones-  sometimes I need a bit more warmth!  I popped in to Anne's Fabrics on Sydney road on the way home from work last week, and bought a couple of 1m pieces of wool blend stretch fabric. Basically they had 3 colours so I got 1m of each! 
On Saturday I cut out 3 pairs of leggings. I sewed up one pair on Saturday morning before heading off to the Pascoe Vale Spinners & Weavers exhibition. They were so warm! Sewed up the other  2 pairs yesterday. There was also about a half a metre of a dark grey wool mix - not long enough for leggings, but plenty to use for a woolly petticoat/ underskirt.
I wore the black leggings & underskirt to work today, under a non woollen skirt. I was walking around a school in the wind & drizzle ...and I was toasty warm! 


  1. The leggins look great! Certainly need are warmest woolens at the moment.

  2. Well done! I normally avoid skirts in winter because my legs get too cold. This looks like the way to deal with winter.


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