Monday, 4 April 2016

She sells sea shells the sea shore

We have been to the beach a couple  of times of late - Port Melbourne for a fish & chip dinner one night, then Torquay for Easter. Since I was about 4 years old we have spent all but one or two Easter weekends in Torquay.  So you think I would have grown out of filling my pockets with shells as I walk along the beach

But no, I just can't resist pocketing a few beauties!

But I didn't buy any of these, seen at the Queenscliffe op shop garage sale Easter Monday.


  1. I don't think you ever grow out of something like that :)

    Moonee Valley Art show (Rotary) at the Columbans Mission centre Woodlands st on 17th are looking for stall holders if you are interested.

  2. Thanks I will look it up! Was looking through sewing patterns for new craft ideas today!


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