Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Anyone for a cuppa?

My latest idea for the craft stall - when I am going to find the time do do all this is a WHOLE 'nother story!  But I figure there will be a day or two in the school hols of staying home while the kids get knee-deep in lego, so I just might be able to spend a day sewing. 
 I saw some "play" teabags on http://www.madeit.com.au/  the other day, and remembered that I had made some for the Jedikid when he was little.  So I took a  real tea-bag apart and made a toy one.  I will write up a tutorial for it soon. But I must admit an embarrassing fact here - when I went to take a photo, I realised I do not posses a single china teacup and saucer at all! Thousand of mugs of all shapes and sizes, but no teacups!  I guess  I can't stand the smell of tea, and I don't drink coffee either (coffee flavoured cakes/biscuits/chocolates are another thing entirely though! I don't say no to those!), hence the lack of teacups!

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